» » » GM 3 - The English Opening vol. 1 by Mihail Marin (hardcover)
GM 3 - The English Opening vol. 1 by Mihail Marin (hardcover)

GM 3 - The English Opening vol. 1 by Mihail Marin (hardcover)

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Number: 9781907982507


EAN: 9781907982507

Price: 26.00 Euro

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  • Product description
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Grandmaster Repertoire is a new series of high quality books based on the main lines, written by strong grandmasters. The aim is to provide the reader with a complete repertoire at a level good enough for elite tournaments, and certainly also for the club championship.

Grandmaster Repertoire provides a repertoire to last a lifetime.

GM Mihail Marin's reputation as a chess author is unsurpassed. In this book he reveals his own white repertoire with 1.c4, the English Opening. Volume One covers 1.c4 e5, and Volumes Two and Three complete the repertoire by covering all Black's other replies to 1.c4. The theory is state-of-the-art with many novelties suggested, but most useful of all are Marin's lucid explanations of how to play the resulting positions.

  • A repertoire for White with 1.c4 e5
  • A repertoire that has been tested against grandmasters
  • Written by an award-winning author

Mihail Marin is a grandmaster from Romania. His previous books for Quality Chess have established him as one of the world's finest chess authors.

ISBN: 978-1-907982-50-7 - 480 pages - Published 9 September 2009


"A typically lucid and thorough exposition from perhaps the most insightful and reliable chess author writing today. I looked at certain critical lines that I have played myself and was impressed with the clarity of thought, selected examples and range of new ideas. Very highly recommended."

GM Jonathan Rowson, New in Chess


"It is immediately evident that this book is written by a strong Grandmaster who plays the opening himself and who thoroughly understands all the strategic and tactical nuances.

For most of the last ten years people have been asking me when I was going to write The Dynamic English 2nd Edition, and finally I can say there is no need, I think that had I decided to write an updated version this is the book I would have liked to have produced!

Perhaps the biggest compliment I can offer is that this is the only book that I will now be taking with me to my tournaments and team matches!"

GM Tony Kosten, chesspublishing.com (full review)


"an opening book of the highest standard... filled with many interesting theoretical novelties and strategic ideas... The English Opening: Volume 1 is an outstanding book that is must reading for anyone who plays 1.c4.

The physical qualities of this book of are the highest standard. It is printed on good quality paper and the two column layout is easy to read. The price of $30 for a book of close to 500 pages represents good value."

IM John Donaldson jeremysilman.com (full review)


"By now most serious chess students should be well aware of Grandmaster Marin and his excellent books... The variations are worked through to the core. The lines are well explained, well-analyzed, and you find new moves and ideas in virtually in every single line.

One of the finest repertoire books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Therefore, if you are a serious player, if you like the English Opening, and you are ready to put in some hard work, then this book is well beyond anything that has previously been written on the lines covered and it will help take you to the next level. 5 Stars"

Carsten Hansen, ChessCafe.com (full review)

Related websites

GM3 by Marin is best, Playing the Queen's Gambit by Schandorff third (March 2nd, 2010) by GM Aagaard

Grandmaster Repertoire 1.c4 by Marin - discussion at chesspub.com

Chesspub's Opening book of the year - Grandmaster Repertoire 3 - The English Opening vol. 1 by Mihail Marin wins opening book of the year at chesspublishing.com!

Wikipedia - Mihail Marin's wikipedia entry

Chessgames.com - games by Marin

FIDE card - Marin's FIDE card

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